Our Privacy Policy

Grain takes your privacy very seriously. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how Grain Pte. Ltd. (“Grain”, “we” or “our”) collects, uses, and discloses your Personal Data through the use of Grain’s websites, mobile applications, communication channels, platforms, order placements, as well as any products, features and services operated or delivered by Grain (collectively, “Services”). We will collect, use and disclose your Personal Data only in accordance with this Policy.
This Policy applies to our customers, agents, vendors, suppliers, partners, contractors and service providers (collectively, “you”, “your” or “yours”).
“Personal Data” means any information about an individual, whether recorded in a material form or not and whether true or not, who can be identified from that data (whether directly or indirectly), or from that data and other data to which we have or are likely to have access.
We may update this Policy from time to time. Any changes we make to this Policy will be reflected on this page. Your continued use of our Services shall constitute your acknowledgment and acceptance of the changes we make to this Policy. You agree that it is your responsibility to check back frequently for any updates or changes to this Policy.

Collection of Personal Data

We collect Personal Data about you in the ways listed below. We may also combine the collected Personal Data with other data in our possession.
During the course of using our Services, Personal Data we collect about you may include the following (to the extent that such Personal Data is available to us):
We may receive your Personal Data from you in the following situations through the use of our Services:

Use of Personal Data

Grain may use, combine and process your collected Personal Data for the following purposes:

Disclosure of Personal Data

We may share your Personal Data with and/or transfer your Personal Data to third parties for the above-mentioned purposes. These third parties may be inside or outside Singapore and include, but are not limited to:
In disclosing your Personal Data to any third parties, we endeavour to ensure that the third parties keep your personal data secure from unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, processing or similar risks and retain your Personal Data only for as long as your Personal Data is needed to achieve the above-mentioned purposes.
We may also share Personal Data in connection with any proposed purchase, merger or acquisition of any part of our business, provided that we satisfy the requirements of applicable data protection law when disclosing your Personal Data.

International Transfer of Personal Data

We may transfer or permit the transfer of your Personal Data outside of Singapore for any of the purposes set out in this Policy.
However, we will not transfer or permit any of your Personal Data to be transferred outside of Singapore unless the transfer is in compliance with applicable laws. This includes putting reasonable safeguards in place to ensure an adequate level of protection for the Personal Data. We will also ensure that the recipient is obliged to protect your Personal Data at a standard of protection comparable to the protection under applicable laws prevailing from time to time.

Protection of Personal Data

We take reasonable legal, organisational and technical measures to ensure that your Personal Data is protected. This includes measures to prevent Personal Data from getting lost, disposed, modified, misused, or accessed in an unauthorised way.
We limit access to your Personal Data to our employees on a need to know basis. Those processing your Personal Data will only do so in an authorised manner and are required to treat your information with confidentiality.
Nevertheless, please understand that the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee the security of your Personal Data transmitted through any online means, therefore, any transmission remains at your own risk.

Withdrawal of Consent

You may withdraw your consent to the continued use, disclosure, storing and/or processing of your Personal Data by contacting us at support@grain.com.sg, subject to the conditions and/or limitations imposed by applicable laws or regulations.
Please note that if you communicate your withdrawal of your consent to our use, disclosure, storing or processing of your Personal Data for the purposes and in the manner as stated above or exercise your other rights as available under applicable laws, we may not be in a position to continue to provide our Services to you or perform any contract we have with you, and we will not be liable in the event that we do not continue to provide the Services to, or perform our contract with you. Our legal rights and remedies are expressly reserved in such an event.
You may unsubscribe from receiving marketing information from us at any time by using the unsubscribe function within the electronic marketing material.

Updating and Correcting Personal Data

It is important that the Personal Data you provide to us is accurate and complete for you to continue using our Services. You are responsible for informing us of changes to your Personal Data, or in the event you believe that the Personal Data we have about you is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or out of date.
You can update your Personal Data any time by accessing your account where available, or contacting us directly.
You may also request correction of any error or omission in your Personal Data which we have collected in the same way. In order to facilitate processing of your request, it may be necessary for us to request further information relating to your request. Where permissible under law, we may refuse such correction requests if deemed vexatious or unreasonable.

Access to Personal Data

You may request information about your Personal Data which we have collected, or enquire about the ways in which your Personal Data may have been used, disclosed, stored or processed by us by contacting us at support@origanics.com.sg
We reserve the right to charge a reasonable administrative fee for retrieving your Personal Data records. If so, we will inform you of the fee before processing your request.

Retention of Personal Data

We will only retain your Personal Data for as long as we are either required or permitted to by law or as relevant for the purposes for which it was collected.
We will cease to retain your Personal Data, and take steps to erase, destroy, prevent access or anonymise any Personal Data, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that such retention no longer serves the purposes for which the Personal Data was collected, and is no longer necessary for any legal or business purpose.

Collection of Computer Data

We or our authorised service providers may use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies in connection with your use of our Services.
When you use our Services through your computer, mobile device, or any other device with Internet connectivity, our company servers will automatically record data that your browser sends whenever you visit a website, such as the technical data and usage data.
This data is collected for analysis and evaluation in order to help us improve our website and the Services we provide, as well as to help us to personalise the content to match your preferred interests more quickly. The data is also collected to make our Services more convenient and useful to you, and to provide more relevant advertising related to market products, services and features to you.
Cookies are small text files (typically made up of letters and numbers) placed in the memory of your browser or device when you visit a website or view a message. They allow us to recognise a particular device or browser. Web beacons are small graphic images that may be included on our Services. They allow us to count users who have viewed these pages so that we can better understand your preference and interests.
You may be able to manage and delete cookies through your browser or device settings. However, certain cookies are required to enable core functionality (such as adding items to your shopping basket), so please note that changing and deleting cookies may affect the functionality available on our Services.

Third Party Sites

Our Services may contain links to websites operated by other parties, such as our business affiliates, merchants or payment gateways. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of websites operated by these other parties. You are advised to check on the applicable privacy policies of those websites to determine how they will handle any information they collect from you.

Contact Us

If you have any questions on personal data protection or data privacy, please refer to this Policy. If your queries are not covered, or if you have any queries or complaints about this Policy or how we handle your Personal Data, please feel free to contact us via our email at support@origanics.com.sg.
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